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Sustainability by Design

We understand that these buildings will be an asset to the force for decades, and as such we should build in as much sustainability to the base design as possible.

To achieve this, we have considered how the building is used efficiently and the systems and technologies that have been incorporated as follows:


  • Building zoned to ensure only the elements being used are heated
  • Off-site manufacture of major components
  • Low and Zero Carbon technologies employed such as photovoltaic cells
  • Lifecycle costs considered in the construction with elements chosen for longevity and robustness
  • Green Guide A-rated materials selected wherever possible
  • Energy efficient plant specification with heat recovery
  • Maximising natural daylight
  • Intelligent LED lighting
  • Water efficient fittings
  • Cycle and shower facilities
  • Collaboration with manufacturers to design out waste and packaging

Case study: Incorporating sustainability into the heart of Sheffield Custody Suite

Reducing annual energy bills by 23%, our incorporation of efficient M&E systems and Solar Photovoltaics on the BREEAM “Excellent” aligned suite is delivering annual savings of £150,000 for South Yorkshire Police

Project case study

Environment-focused operational delivery

We are committed to systematically managing our environmental impact throughout the delivery of every CODE project. These processes are underpinned by our ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System.

During the design phase, we will review all aspects of your project, to proactively identify and mitigate potential environmental risks during site delivery. These may include:

  • Site waste management
  • Embodied carbon
  • Flooding
  • Contaminated land
  • Archaeology
  • Ecology/biodiversity
  • Site deliveries and just-in-time logistics
  • Materials procurement
  • Noise
  • Air pollution

Each site is unique, so, together with a suitably qualified ecologist, we create a bespoke assessment for each project. We make sure we understand and comply with our legal obligations in each of these areas. We put in place systems and actions which minimise risk and mitigate negative impacts.

Before we start operations on-site we complete an initial risk profile which forms the basis of an audit that we carry out regularly. We will review the environmental risks throughout construction, and adjust the system accordingly.

For environmental compliance and transparency, we are regularly audited by the BSI across our offices and sites, in line with our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accreditations.